Good Deeds

Volunteers Help Local Seniors Stock Up on Emergency Supplies for Hurricane Season

Volunteers helped pack and distribute emergency meal kits, including a three-day supply of shelf-stable, nutritious foods.

By Staff June 29, 2021

Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) and Senior Friendship Centers partnered to pack and distribute hurricane kits to 200 seniors in Sarasota County

Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) and Senior Friendship Centers partnered to pack and distribute hurricane kits to 200 seniors in Sarasota County.

FPL recently partnered with Senior Friendship Centers to help 200 seniors in Sarasota stock up on emergency food supplies to prepare for this year’s hurricane season. Volunteers helped pack and distribute emergency meal kits, including a three-day supply of shelf-stable, nutritious foods. During a storm, seniors may not have access to food and water, so these kits provide necessary meals until it is safe for them to leave their homes or receive deliveries. In total, more than 600 meal kits will be delivered in Sarasota County.

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