
Mote Scientists Study Fish in Flood Control Canals

During April, Mote researchers are using seine nets to catch and release fish throughout the county’s largest canal system, which drains into Phillippi Creek.

Research by staff April 15, 2016

Mote marine sk4jhh

Mote scientists found these spotted sunfish while sampling in Main B canal on April 12

Mote Marine Laboratory researchers are conducting the first scientific survey of fishes in Sarasota County's manmade canals, which were designed for flood control. Until now, no one had systematically studied how they might benefit native fisheries. During April, Mote researchers are using seine nets to catch and release fish throughout the county’s largest canal system, which drains into Phillippi Creek. They are documenting the species diversity and abundance of fishes, along with characteristics of their habitats. The project is funded by the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program and serves a broader Sarasota County initiative to understand how these flood control canals might be better managed to improve water quality and conserve natural resources.

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