
Study: Wages Increase 12 Percent Within First Year for 'Bridges to Careers' Participants

Additionally, in 2020 CareerEdge trained 184 workers and assisted 523 workers in earning raises.

By Staff April 9, 2021

Image: Shutterstock

CareerEdge’s annual independent, third-party evaluation found that its "Bridges to Careers" participants saw an average wage gain of 12 percent after the first year of training. A comparison between the 2019 and 2020 evaluations shows that Fast Track participants’ average ending hourly wages have increased from $16.48 to $17.42 in just one year. For the increase in wages to take place during the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates the impact CareerEdge’s conversations have had with employers around the importance of offering career laddering opportunities.

Additionally, in 2020, even with the impact of Covid-19 on the workforce climate, CareerEdge trained 184 workers and assisted 523 workers in earning raises. Its Fast Track and On the Job training participant diversity has also increased within manufacturing and HVAC trainings, with 2020 seeing the first female HVAC Fast Track graduate. She is now working full time and currently enrolled in an HVAC apprenticeship program.

To read CareerEdge's annual report, click here.

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