
Mothers Paid 71 Cents for Every Dollar Paid to Fathers

The wage gap between mothers and fathers is even wider than the broader wage gap between women and men, according to a new report issued by the National Women's Law Center.

By staff May 26, 2017

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The wage gap between mothers and fathers is even wider than the broader wage gap between women and men, according to a new report issued by the National Women's Law Center. "Mothers working full time, year round outside the home are paid just 71 cents for every dollar paid to fathers," according to the center's report, "a gap that translates to a loss of $16,000 annually. The wage gap between mothers and fathers exists across education level, age, location, race, and occupation." The American economy employs almost 23 million mothers with kids under 18. According to the center, "in 2015, 42 percent of mothers were sole or primary family breadwinners, while 22.4 percent of mothers were co-breadwinners, meaning families are increasingly relying on mothers’ earnings."

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