Spirits of Sarasota

Cocktail of the Week: Starlite's Grasshopper

This week: a creamy, minty after-theater indulgence from the Starlite Room.

By Hannah Wallace May 25, 2016

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This week: The Grasshopper at the Starlite Room

The drink: Crème de menthe, crème de cacao, ice cream, cream. A close reading reveals that there's some version of "cream" in each of those listed ingredients, which is just fine by me, especially when you're in search of a treat after enjoying a WBTT production (in this case, the delightful Driving Miss Daisy). But what really stands out here is the cocoa garnish, which plays up the drink's chocolate essence instead of the typical green mint emphasis.

The bar: Count me among the camp of folks who miss the old Broadway (although what I really miss is the old-old Broadway, long razed), especially the accommodating horseshoe bar, which allowed more people direct access to the bartender than the Starlite's straight bar. That being said, Starlite's sure brought pizzazz to the space, with leather seating and cool lights. Plus it's still an established destination for the theater crowd, which adds to its classy, artsy aura.

Other notable potables: I can't go to Starlite and not order a Manhattan--it just goes with the setting (or an Old Fashioned will do in a pinch), and the cocktail menu is chock full of 1950s classics, from the Sidecar to the Negroni to the Pink Squirrel.

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