
Local Airbnb Hosts Earned $9.5 Million in 2016

Florida hosts using Airbnb to rent out properties earned $273 million in supplemental income and hosted 1.5 million visitors in 2016.

By staff December 29, 2016

Airbnb bvjolh

Image: Pixabay

Florida hosts using Airbnb to rent out properties earned $273 million in supplemental income and hosted 1.5 million visitors in 2016, according to numbers released by the company last Wednesday. Sarasota County ranked ninth in the state in a list of top-earning counties, with $6.7 million in income. Manatee County ranked 20th, with $2.8 million. Hosts in Miami-Dade County, ranked No. 1, earned $113 million. More than $20 million in state sales tax revenue and county Tourist Development Tax dollars were generated by Airbnb rentals, according to the company.

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