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How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Workout Mistakes

Avoid these common pitfalls for a more successful workout.

Presented by By Lauren Chadwick-Sonnen July 30, 2015

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Many people believe that creating an effective workout isn’t really complicated. But body builders, gym rats, and armchair opinionists overlook the fact that there is no cookie-cutter workout that works for everyone. A properly educated personal trainer understands what really works. They know that building a training program is specific to each client and should take into account such factors as fatigue, recovery, and corrective and functional movement—in addition to performance goals.


Plus, with so much information (and misinformation) on the Internet, hiring a personal trainer can help you avoid these five common pitfalls.


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1. Doing Too Much

When starting a new fitness program, many of us can be a little gung-ho. Overdoing it in the beginning can backfire in a big way, by either causing so much fatigue and discomfort that we give up, or by causing injuries that can force a complete lay-off from exercise. Remember, more reps do not translate into faster results.


2. Focusing Too Much on One Area

Whether you want bigger pecs or a tighter tush, focusing too much on one area may skew your overall results. The golden rule of strength training is “do an equal amount of work on each side of a joint.” This is especially important for beginners. Your trainer knows that you’ll make faster progress by working each area evenly.


3. Overlooking the Basics

There are certain components that should be part of every workout. A personal trainer will suggest that your workout include a warm-up, foam rolling and stretching to increase blood flow and loosen tight muscle groups. Top trainers will recommend corrective exercises that specifically target muscle imbalances and functional movement as a part of your regular training routine.


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4. Misunderstanding Anatomy

Even though your workout may seem to focus on legs one day and back the next, you could be accidentally overworking certain areas because some exercises impact more than one muscle group. Your personal trainer will know and understand what exercises should be included in your total body program so that overtraining certain muscles doesn’t occur.


5. Program Hopping

The fitness world is ever-changing and it seems there is always some new trend in the limelight, but in the realm of exercise, slow and steady truly wins the race. If you hop from one program to another, you will never learn what does and doesn’t work for you. Trust that your trainer has selected an appropriate workout program for you and see it through for as long as they recommend, or you could end up stalling out your improvements rather than advancing them.


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At the end of the day, whether you are an athlete or a beginner, a personal trainer can help you avoid mistakes that can hamper your progress or knock you out of the game with an unexpected injury. These professionals make it their business to help you be your best self in a way that is safe and effective.


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