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What's New at World Class Dentistry?

Dr. Jill Morris discusses new holistic approach for dentistry with metal-free implants, cosmetic dentistry, and whats new in veneers, World Class Dentistry and Esthetics Sarasota Fl.

Presented by By By Dr. Jill Morris, D.M.D. October 31, 2014

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Dr. Jill Morris




Is there anything new you’ve learned over the past year?


Dr. Bakke and I both graduated from the American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry in July. We learned about the relationship of dentistry to the whole body and how we can help our patients more holistically with our metal-free dentistry and implants.




“We can help our patients more holistically with our metal-free dentistry and implants.”



Are there changes in how you replace silver fillings?


Yes, those silver fillings are around 50 percent mercury. Mercury vapor, a known neurotoxin, escapes from the filling no matter how long it’s been in the mouth. When I remove the mercury, I protect the patient, myself and my dental assistant.


If a tooth breaks, are there any alternatives to crowns?


Yes, due to advances in our dental adhesives, we can create porcelain pieces that replace the missing part of the tooth without grinding down the whole tooth. It fits into the tooth like a puzzle piece. The less we drill, the fewer traumas to the nerve.


What’s new in the field of cosmetic dentistry?


Many Americans have narrow dental arches stemming from eating processed foods as children. Or without breastfeeding, their dental arches did not develop normally. Or they had teeth pulled for their braces, which could create narrow arches. As adults they may develop TMJ, sleep apnea or a variety of problems. We now have removable appliances that can broaden adult arches and open the airway.


What’s new in veneers?


I now have a 27-year track record with veneers. They are holding up amazingly well. Our porcelains are much harder than they were even five years ago, and the colors are better. Veneers give people a dazzling smile and come in many designs customized to satisfy the patient.




In private practice in the Sarasota area for more than 25 years, Dr. Jill Morris is one of only 350 dentists accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. She has served as a post-doctoral instructor, journal editor and test product consultant. Her Sarasota practice was featured in the book How to Create an Exceptional Aesthetic Practice.






Accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry; American Academy of Dental Facial Esthetics fellow; member of American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine; practicing dentistry for 25 years.


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CONTACT (941) 914-9342


LOCATION 3951 Swift RoadSarasota, FL 34231






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